First Call / Emergency Monitoring
The FIRSTCALL emergency response system has become a lifeline to provide peace of mind for many families in the area. This system has allowed our elderly, physically/mentally handicapped, or ill customers to remain in their homes, alone, when their family members cannot be there. The system provides peace of mind for the person and their family.
With a touch of a button, an alert is sounded and the unit automatically dials a 1-800 number to Cooperative Response Center. Within minutes, they open a two way communication with the consumer, assessing the need, and dispatching either 911and/or contact people (family, friends, neighbors), that were provided when we set the unit up.
Contact Clark Electric Appliance & Satellite today for more information
There is a one-time activation fee for the PERS unit of $35.00 and a one-time activation fee for the Essence units is $50.00.
Lease & Monitoring Fees - Linear Systems...……………$22.50/month
Comes with 1 standard water resistant pendant
Fall Detect Pendant...……………………………………....$5.00/month
Essence Cellular System (no landline available)…....…..$40.50/month
Additional Pendant for Unit...……………………………....$5.00/month
We can do a personalized visit to the home within a 45 mile radius of our office. At the time, we will set the unit up, and demonstrate to the consumer how the response center responds.
We are also able to program and mail the units directly to consumers anywhere in Wisconsin.